Introducing the Contribution & Distribution webinars

The different applications and use cases available for the video Contribution & Distribution is complex.

Watch the on-demand webinars to learn more about Contribution & Distribution and how our market leading portfolio meets the challenges of the media content world.

All IP Workflow

Delivering an All-IP workflow with CE1 & RX1

The webinar on Delivering an All-IP workflow with CE1 & RX1 introduces to ALL-IP Contribution and the value that IP enables for the customer.

High Availability with CE1

The High Availability with CE1 webinar focusses on total reliability downstream, which is super important for the event providers for providing highest quality content, especially for live events.

Localised Content

Localised Content with RX1

The webinar on Localised Content with RX1 explains how crucial it is for distribution scenarios supporting content replacement conditioning, video assets storage and splicing into transport streams to co-exist with traditional receiver/decoder functionality.

Content adaption at the edge

Content adaptation at the edge webinar concentrates on the operator who wish to distribute content on different onward platform or from a single point of deployment.