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Spring Kind Webinar: 5G & the future of live video production

Spring Kind Webinar: 5G & the future of live video production

By Tony Jones, Principal Technologist, MediaKind April 21, 2020 | 2 min read
Bandwidth, Latency, Webinar,

Earlier this month, MediaKind launched a new whitepaper that explores the future of live video production, which we believe is inextricably linked to the ongoing rollout of 5G technologies. As the proportion of global video traffic in networks increases, 5G wireless presents a unique opportunity to modernize workflows. 5G brings all the capabilities of 4G LTE but is a richer and more flexible infrastructure that will extend connectivity and ultimately deliver a higher quality of experience for consumers.

5G: It’s about more than better video reception!

The white paper, ‘5G Live: The Future of Live Video Production’ is available to download now, and incorporates an analysis of research from Parks Associates, exploring ‘American broadband households and their technologies’. But to help you get the maximum benefit out of this whitepaper and address any questions it raises for you and your organization, I will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday April 29 (10am EDT/3pm BST/4pm CET).

Click here to register for the webinar: Register Now

With today’s consumers craving unique, immersive and highly personalized media experiences to enhance and complement standard linear broadcast and VOD offerings, delivering this content seamlessly is a challenge telcos and media vendors need to overcome. Connection speed, low latency, bandwidth guarantees, and edge compute all contribute to making 5G networks the perfect content delivery mechanism for the modern consumer, as well as affording producers greater flexibility in the way content is made.

5G has the potential to solve several challenges in current-day content creation and enable new types of experiences that will wow audiences. 5G offers data rate increases both upstream and downstream, as well as the ability to manage data on the 5G connections in a more sophisticated manner than ever before.

Getting ready for the next webinar in our Spring Kind series

During the webinar, we’ll explore together the opportunities created by 5G for untethered live video capture, and at-home / remote production for live broadcasts – something that’s never been more important than it is while the world battles the effects of a global pandemic. And when we are on the other side, 5G’s ability to improve content production via wireless networks in stadiums or in urban environments with a large concentration of consumers competing for available bandwidth, is a real game changer. We will also look how the spectrum changes for 5G will help to drive change for existing media applications.

From improved coverage of major-scale live events, to the personalization of content, 5G is enabling new media applications, such as remote production, ushering in a new era of broadcast experiences such as live 360 video. 5G is fundamental to our ability to deliver the next generation of live entertainment.

I look forward to catching up with you on the 29th, but if you’re unable to attend, don’t panic! The webinar will be available on demand; stay tuned for more information on how you can access our entire Spring Kind webinar series.

Click here to sign up for the webinar ‘5G and the future of live video production: Register Now